Increase Your Overall Performance and Accelerate Business Growth with Cloud Load Balancers

With the growing fierce competition and fast-paced changes in the business environment, it has become utmost important for enterprises to improve and enhance their overall performance and consistency. There are certain challenges which each and every enterprise does face during the course of the business.

  • Have a look on some of the challenges that enterprises face:
  • They have to ensure that their applications always remain up and running in any unwarranted event of unavailability of one or more server. 
  •  Addition of servers and application scaling without a glitch.
  •  Improved server efficiency to achieve greater ROI and superior application performance.
  • Diminish the websites, applications and cloud services response and transaction time.
  • Server load balancing and application accessibility in public and private cloud environments.

One of the optimal ways to overcome these challenges is the deployment of load balancer. Cloud Load balancers entails a crucial point of control for optimizing the accessibility, security and overall performance level of enterprise applications, IP data services and data center bits and bobs.

However, before moving ahead we would say that let's first try to understand the terminology load balancing. 

What is load balancing?

Load balancing is the concept of allocating the volume of traffic efficiently so that individual servers are not overburdened by sudden fluctuations in activity. 

Through it application performance functions, such as SSL unburdening, caching, compression, and connection multiplexing and traffic administration takes place very smoothly. It also enables application services to be fast, accessible and highly secure.

Server load balancing ensures high scalability and availability for applications, websites and cloud services by stringently monitoring the vigor of servers, evenly allocating loads across servers and upholding session persistence and an unremitting user experience in an inescapable event of servers non-availability due to increased burden or unresponsive.

Therefore, with load balancers, enterprises can simply tend off their challenges.

What all an enterprise can achieve with Cloud load balancers integration? Have a look:

  • Clustered load balancing allows the even distribution of web traffic; performs regular health checks and ensures continuous sessions across multiple servers.
  • Balances the load of any number of servers through a single URL and IP address.
  • Unburden SSL and TCP processing for up to 10x better server efficiency.
  • Accelerates the complete process of caching, compression and SSL up to 5x improved application performance.
  • Virtual load balancing with complete feature quite similar to VMware and Citrix environments.

In the end, would like to conclude saying that leverage the core benefits of Cloud Load balancer right from parallel multi-core processing to cost-effectively drive superior performance across a rich server load balancing and application acceleration feature set for unsurpassed total value of ownership. Thus, from the small enterprise to big corporate you can certainly perk up the overall application performance and augment the return-on-investment by opting for load balancer unique provisions.


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