Reasons to Get a Linux VPS Hosting Plan

In VPS hosting, there is a single server which is compartmentalized to create multiple virtual servers, each functioning independent of the others. The user enjoys root access to the server and can tweak its settings to suit his business interests. You can choose from either Windows or Linux VPS server when you are planning to upgrade to VPS hosting from shared hosting. The Linux VPS hosting plan is found to be more popular primarily because it is more cost-effective as Linux is an open source platform.

Why should you choose Linux VPS hosting plan?

  • As mentioned, Linux is an open source platform and there are no licensing fees; this means that it is far cheaper compared to Windows VPS hosting plans. With Window, you have to pay licensing fees and the prices of upgrades and updates are also high.
  • A Linux VPS hosting plan lets you enjoy many hosting features at very affordable charges and the server can be easily modified to suit your requirements. Users can also regulate bandwidth and server space at far less costs depending on their needs.
  • With Linux VPS servers, you do not have to worry about losing critical data as Linux servers are very secure.
  • In terms of flexibility too, Linux servers can be installed easily; users can install tools and add-ons depending on their needs. The installation process is also very fast backed by improved virtualization and clustering.
  • Multi-tenancy is another important benefit of choosing Linux VPS hosting plans. This type of hosting solution allows you to allocate different resources to different clients such as email accounts and disk space.

These advantages that Linux offers over Windows makes it a lucrative solution for businesses that are not running applications like ASP or ASP.NET which need a Windows-only environment to run.


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