
Showing posts from June, 2012

A Brief History of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Cloud computing or simply cloud refers to the delivery of software or storage in the form of service to a group of users or enterprise based on the requirements. A pre-assigned network is used for the overall distribution and management of the provided software or services. Most often, Internet is used as a medium for distribution of the services from the provider to the end user. The term cloud has been famously derived from the diagram of cloud, which was represented as complex infrastructure and meshed networks in system diagrams. The first visible mention of cloud dates back to 1960s, when John McCarthy expressed these lines: "computation may someday be organised as a public utility." John McCarthy was an eminent cloud scientist and later produced several white papers and case studies demonstrating the importance and benefits of this new technology. Often, cloud server computing is compared with electricity distribution system; as the underly

Cloud Server Hosting and Email Hosting

Cloud Server Hosting Cloud server hosting is also known by the name cloud hosting. In this kind of hosting multiple servers are employed to render hosting services to the clients of a business. The servers used in this hosting service are arranged in a cluster or cloud formation, hence the name cloud server hosting. This hosting service is most appropriate in the domains where a large number of widely scattered customers are to be served, and thus the processing speed and bandwidth requirement is very high. Let’s consider an example to better understand this concept; suppose you are in a business that provides online classes to students through video conferencing. Here, the bandwidth and processing speed required would be obviously very high, and for this reason there could be no better hosting option than cloud server hosting. Cloud Server Hosting Unlike a standard hosting plan, where only a single server is available to the user, multiple servers are provided in