
Showing posts from January, 2014

Going For Cloud?

“ Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living. ” - Nicholas Negroponte   The phrase holds true for “not so” newly coined technology- Cloud Computing. Researchers and Scientists from different parts of the world have been trying to figure out a technology that utilizes the power of Internet to help public by en large. And Cloud Computing is one answer that they have got! For many of us who don’t know “Cloud” originated way back in 1950’s, when large-scale mainframes were made available to schools and corporations. Since then the technology has come a long way, crossing many hurdles on its way.   2014 could be considered as the boom time for Cloud Computing with many industries adopting and harnessing its benefits. Though to get the best Cloud Service Provider for your business may still be a herculean task. Here are few points to keep in mind before selecting a Cloud service provider for your business. v   Ensuring Privacy Privac