
Showing posts from October, 2012

Choice of Data Center Services Today for Businesses

Data center services nowadays include a wide range of web hosting services. Dedicated and shared were earlier popular forms, however now there are many kinds of web hosting options that have come up. One of the most popular forms of data center services is cloud web hosting services. Cloud is increasingly becoming a hit because of the flexibility and control it offers to the customers. Dedicated Servers are among the web servers that have been utilized since a long time. As the name suggests they are dedicated to a single website. They are generally utilized when the website anticipates a large traffic and is experiencing a heavy load. Shared servers generally are not able to handle this much load and thus do not give good performance as given by dedicated web servers. Dedicated web servers are important as they help large businesses to survive. They help improve availability and reliability of the website as well as customer satisfaction. Apart from the traditional ded